Saturday, March 29, 2008

Technology {Week 3}

[T5] I'm still messing around with flickr. Much like my space, I think Flickr is a lot more fun when you are part of a group experience. (This seems to be true for other acitivities as well-lol). My mission is to get friends and family as "addicted" to flickr as I am.

[T6] The flickr mashups that I enjoyed were (a) spelling with flickr and (b) delivr. Spelling reminds me of one of those movies where the serial killer cuts out letters from magazines and leaves clues for the police; I can't explain, but it's cute and creepy at the same time. Delivr, on the other hand, is a nice way to send ecards (post/birthday/mothers day/etc). So for those of you who can't keep an address to save their lives, there is a way!!! I didn't particularly like retrievr. With that program, it seems like there's more emphasis on matching colors than pairing shapes. Then again, trying to match pictures with rough sketches is like trying to pair kids fingerpaints with Van Gogh.

[T7]Of particular interest to me is fine tuning my online search skills. I always feel overwhelmed by the amount of hits I originally get. Sometimes, I feel as though I happen to stumble upon what I'm looking for.

I think people should checkout instant messaging. It's a great diversion and a cost effective way to keep in touch/communicate with friends/family. The down side is that it often leads to procrastination.

Creating an Avatar is so cool. It's like having an online doll. Only problem is I don't have the time it takes to change outfits and hairstyles or backgrounds as often as I think I should (lol).

Overall, I'm enjoying the new experience!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Live and Learn

I posted a response about three weeks ago (pertaining to the original task of responding to the Learning 2.0 pod), now it's gone. I'm still trying to figure out what happened to it. If anyone knows, please respond! Thanks.

Flickr Fever

[T5] I've spent a total of 5 hours or so exploring flickr and what it has to offer. I don't have too many pictures up though. (Personally, I'm not crazy about the idea of putting intimate/personal pictures online for the world to see; although, technically, one can restrict certain pictures for certain people, are those pictures really safe?). Let me tell you all that I'm still learning. It's sooooooo addictive! The pictures you come across are mesmerizing. Some of them look manufactured. Others are simply too beautiful to be real. Almost makes you want to take up photography.